Luisa, the healing herb - Teas & Trees

Luisa, the healing herb

Luisa, commonly known as Lemon Verbena, is a sacred healing plant native to South America. In Crete, it’s called “Gorgogianni,” which means “the fast healer,” because it can be applied directly to the skin to treat poorly healing wounds and burns. It emits a lemon scent and can be used to infuse a lemon flavor across teas and other foods and beverages. The plant is widely cultivated in the tropics of Europe and was used by several ancient civilizations, including ancient Egypt. Egyptians believed Verbena first sprung from the tears of the goddess Isis as she mourned the death of the god Osiris.



For weight loss

Luisa stimulates metabolism and only has 2 calories per serving. It is said to reduce cravings and excess hunger. It is also said that Luisa has the ability to melt fat and fight cellulite.

For relaxation and sleep

Luisa is categorized among the tonic herbs. It has the ability to offer a peaceful sleep, soothing tension and stress. It is naturally caffeine-free and its taste is smooth unlike the other lemon-based plants.

For cooking

Luisa leaves are used to add a lemon flavor to a variety of dishes, including everything from salad dressings and marinades to desserts like cookies and ice cream. Its leaves can also be used in cocktails and to add flavor (either fresh or dried) to iced teas. A common way to use lemon verbena leaves is to combine them with olive oil to create a seasoned olive oil. 

For recovery 

Luisa is full of essential antioxidants that help muscles, joints, tendons and nerves recover from physical activity. It can also be used to treat arthritis and muscle pain.

For breastfeeding

The herb is considered safe for pregnant women and even increases milk flow while breastfeeding.


From the founder: “The Cretan Lemon Verbena is the absolute women’s herb, which I included as part of the Luisa blend. The taste is so smooth that I can drink it the whole day. I even wash my face in the mornings with a cold brew of it!”

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