Sideritis, the Greek Mountain Tea - Teas & Trees

Sideritis, the Greek Mountain Tea

Greek Mountain Tea is popular around the world for its health properties. It is the common name given to the Sideritis Syriaca plant, which received its name in ancient times from its ability to “pull away harm” from wounds. It is also sometimes called “Shepherd's Tea'' because Greek shepherds would use the plant to make brewed tea while tending their sheep in the hills.

For thousands of years, Sideritis has been used by the majority of the Cretan people as a remedy, but in recent years a great deal of international research and media has focused on the impressive benefits of this mountain tea.

Mountain tea has a high phyto-nutrient content that protects it from UV rays and other elements, and usually grows in rocky places at an altitude of 1000 meters and above.  The tea is a pure and natural product, and the wild-grown plants are harvested by hand. It is free of any artificial ingredients, colourings or flavourings, and is not subject to any forced or inorganic farming techniques.



For its powerful antioxidants

The tea has been scientifically proven to offer a multitude of important health benefits as it has powerful antioxidant qualities previously recognized only in green tea.

For boosting the immune system 

Although caffeine-free, it is known to boost the immune system. Drinking two to three cups of mountain tea every day is thought to help prevent or fight flu symptoms and stress-related ailments such as chest infections, a foggy head, digestive complaints, fatigue and anxiety.

Prevention of osteoporosis & cancer

Research has indicated that Greek Mountain Tea helps in the prevention of osteoporosis and that its antioxidant properties aid in the prevention of cancer. 

As a panacea

Research has also indicated that Greek Mountain Tea has a positive effect on almost anything that ails the human body: combating colds and the flu, easing respiratory problems, aiding digestion, strengthening the immune system, calming anxiety, reducing inflammation and fighting fever.



From the founder:“Sideritis is one of the most famous teas from my island, Crete, so I decided to offer it alone but also in the Mornin’ Blend. It is a super popular tea and I wanted to offer varieties of it.”

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